Sunset Beach Recaps: The week of April 28, 1997 on SB

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Sunset Beach Recaps: The week of April 28, 1997 on SB
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the week of April 28, 1997
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Monday, April 28, 1997

by Lisa M Smith

The show opens with a replay of Annie's plunge into the water. Casey and Michael bring her to safety. She is trying to convince them that she is okay. They decide to take her to get checked out.

Casey brought Annie in to be checked out. Ricardo catches up with her and apolgizes for what he put her through. She rips into him and demandsto know who killed her daddy and put her through everything that they did. Michael takes Vanessa aside to prevent Michael takes Vanessa aside to keep her from interviewing Annie. Annie demands to confront Elaine NOW!

Paula expresses her appreciation to Olivia and Bette for their concern for Elaine. Cole went and talks to Elaine with the mission to try to convince her not to confess. She almosts told him of her place in his life except that she is scared off by his hatred towards his unknown mother. Eddie lets everyone know that he got inmunity for turning Elaine in which doesn't please Ben or Ricardo and not to mention Paula. Ben and Ricardo have heaated words over that. Ricardo told Eddie that he isn't going to hit him after taking his badge. Ricardo, then says "Like hell, I won't" and gives him a good punch that we have all wanted the pleasure to give Eddie, All the officers in the room just stand back and watch. Paula went off on Eddie for sending her mother up the river and forcing Ricardo to arrest her mother. Annie asks Bette and Olivia why they are at the station, and they tell her that they are turning themselves in for Del's murder. Annie is confused and they tell her that Del had stolen Elaine's newborn son. Ricardo puts Bette and Olivia in the jail cell after they both confess to murdering Del. Paula and Elaine are both stunned. Cole went on the hunt to go and find the missing jewels after hearing Eddie and Annie talk about Ben having them somewhere hidden.

Casey comes home and finds Wei-Lee kissing Rae, Rae told him of her decision to stay at Sunset Beach. She told Casey of her decision and he is very happy. Wei-Lee is talking to someone on the phone, and told them to send Rae's parents to tell her that they are changing their will. He has gotton dirty. She finds that Casey has been moving his stuff into her room and gets the wrong idea. He reminds her of their bet and that he is just moving his stuff out so that she can have the waterfront room. She is very embarrased about her outburst.

Meg and Ben talk about their adventure togather, She told him that he can protect her and that she is not afraid of Eddie. They talk about how they had pretended that they were in love for Gregory's sake.

Tuesday, April 29, 1997

by Lisa M Smith

Cole and Caitin run into each other. He told her that Olivia is down at the station. She say's that she needs to go and find out what is going on. He tellls her that he is sorry that he can't be with her but to hang on and they can leave SB togather. Cole and Caitlin catch up togather after she gets back from the police station.

Bette and Olivia try to convince Elaine to confess. Paula confides into Gabi who told Paula what she wants to hear. Ricardo takes Bette and Olivia in the interrogation room and puts them both on notice. Elaine and Olivia talk about Cole. Ricardo told both Bette and Olivia that he knows that they go back with Elaine a long time and that they are to self centered to do this just to help Elaine. Gregory walks in and the two women sing a different tune. Gabi talks to Ricardo and makes a move onto him. He has a flashback of the two of them togather. Michael confronts Vanessa about backing off the story about Elaine. Gregory talks to Vanessa. She asks him for a comment about his wife's confession. He threatens her with a lawsuit, Michael comes to her defense. She tries to explain that there really isn't much difference in the way that he asked her to back off Elaine and Gregory's reaction, Vanessa feels that there is more to the story that meets the eye. Ricardo gets his confession from Elaine, with a determined Paula who refuses to leave. Elaine told how it came to murder from her confrontation with Del. She told how Del got her fired up about her son. She told how she was told by Del that he had killed her son with his two hands and how he threatened her daughter Paula. Michael walks away from Vanessa after finding out she plans to print the story about Elaine.

Annie comes knocking on Gregory's door to pay a visit. She gives him a movie "TO HELL AND BACK". She told him she isn't allowed back to hell unless she promises to bring him back with her. He told her how thrilled and delighted that he is that she is alive and well. She basically told him to save his breath. She takes great delight in telling him that Olivia is down at the station confessing to Del's murder. She really told him off. Gregory and OIivia have a discussion about their closeness and he wants to know what she is hiding. Gregory grills her about what she knows that might be able to help Elaine. He told her that it would be better if she told him the truth now instead of him finding out later. Elaine told Ricardo that if she had the chance that she would have done it again. Ricardo is stunned.

Cole breaks in and is looking for the jewels. Annie comes looking for Ben. The phone rings and that is just about long distance carriers asking her to make a switch. She told them that she is not the lady of the house and that she is working on it. Bette shows up and Annie jumps on her for trying to help Elaine. Cole overhears Bette and Annie deciding that the jewels must be in Ben's office at THE DEEP.

Wednesday, April 30, 1997

by Lisa M Smith

Ricardo comes home and finds a determined Paula packing to move out. While he is begging her to stay, a eavesdropping Gabi listens in. Michael and Vanessa are working on trying to find Jimmy and his mother a new place to live, they give them some housing applications to fill out. Michael also tells Virginia that he would help them financially if she wants to move to a safer area. Virginia told Michael that she may get a second job. Vanessa gets the news that her editor refuses to print her story about Elaine's arrest and she blames Olivia for that. Michael finds drugs on Jimmy and asks him where he got them and to realize that Jimmy can trust him. Michael goes and confronts the drug dealer and gives him an ultimatum. Michael went back and told Virginia he wants she and Jimmy to move into his place. This doesn't sit well with Vanessa. Sean is released from the hospital. Tiffany is worried about Sean going blind, and is talking to Mark. Sean catches them together and fakes a blindness spell. Tiffany vows to stay by Sean's side. Gregory reverts to his normal mean self and orders a background check on Tiff. Olivia told Gregory about her part in stealing the baby. She begs Gregory to get Elaine off. They share a heated kiss and Caitlin knocks on the door and interrupts.

Thursday, May 1, 1997

by Mary DeRock

The Truth Will Hurt
Rae decides to share a room with Casey since her parents are coming to Sunset Beach. Casey presses Rae to tell her parents the truth. Casey went to the Deep to get some wine, and squares off against Wei Li about more job offers for Rae. At their house, the Chang's arrive bearing more wedding gifts. They announce that they have added Casey to their will as their new heir. Rae announces that her announcement is very important.

The Deep's Where The Action Is
Mark finds out Meg knew Annie was alive all along. Meg told Mark she thinks Dorothy and S.B. may have a chance. Caitlin offers to put in a good word for Mark with Olivia and maybe get him a job at the radio station. He told her she deserves to be happy and doesn't want Cole to hurt her. Meanwhile, Cole is breaking into Ben's office. He finds the safe behind the painting and proceeds to open it. Tim drives Caitlin to the Deep for a rendezvous with Cole. There he chats with Meg, telling her he still cares about her and reveals that Ben asked him to whisk her back to Kansas. Ben gets a call from Ricardo requesting the briefcase full of jewels. In the meantime Cole is making preparations to heist the jewels from Ben's. Annie gets a thundering applause welcoming her back at the Deep. She asks Ben to give her the jewels rather than returning them to the police. At a nearby table Ricardo told Meg he blames Ben for Maria's death. Annie snidely asks Meg to serve drinks as Ben pays her to do so. Ricardo apologizes for putting Annie through what she went through, and she asks for the apology in the form of the Deschanel jewels. He explains that the jewels are police evidence and he can't give them up as they legally belong to Olivia. Meg asks Ben to dance since she is on her break. Tim and Annie watch them and remind each other of their pact. Ben head upstairs to his office and opens the door just as Cole gets the jewels out of the safe. Ben and the thief fight and Cole jumps out Ben's office on to the dance floor. Ricardo sends Ruiz after "the guy." Ben explains that someone stole the jewels and Ricardo thinks Ben had something to do with it. Back at the Grotto, Caitlin wants to know why Cole is bleeding and what happened.

Virginia advises Vanessa to keep Michael around, as Michael urges Virginia and Jimmy to get comfortable in their temporary home. Michael asks Vanessa if she's ok with Virginia and Jimmy staying with him, she says it's perfectly fine. The next morning Michael notices Vanessa is anxious to find Virginia and Jimmy a place to stay. Jimmy asks his mom if she has "a thing" for Michael, and Virginia feigns being asleep.

Friday, May 2, 1997

by Mary DeRock

Secrets Come Out
Rae comes clean to her parents about her marriage."She belongs to herself," Casey told the Changs. Rae explains that she took the job in Sunset Beach to get away from her parents control of her. She admits she wanted to buy the house with Casey and felt her parents were going to pressure her to marry Wei Li. Her parents ask her to return to San Francisco or else consider herself disowned. Rae told her parents Sunset Beach is her home and will not leave with them. As her parents angrily leave, Rae cries and Casey comforts her.

A Spoiled Opportunity
Caitlin wants Cole to seek medical attention, but he declines. She leaves Cole to get some more supplies hotel room. In Cole's room she finds the plans for the Deep, tickets out of Sunset Beach and recalls his promise to never steal again. Caitlin returns to Cole with sheets and linens and cleans Cole's wounds up and bandages him up. He told her the story behind stealing the Deschanel jewels. She admits knowing about his wish to leave Sunset Beach immediately after stealing the jewels. Caitlin tries to convince him to see a doctor, but Cole says a doctor equals the police. He told her he doesn't want to lose her because of this. He asks Caitlin to provide an alibi for him and she complies.

And The Web Grows Bigger
Ricardo thinks Ben orchestrated the "robbery" so Annie could keep the jewels. Ben produces the jewels, wondering why his hired hand left the jewels. Annie screams at Ben for giving Ricardo the jewels. Ben asks her to go home and rest and urges Meg to go home with Tim in case Eddie (who they think is the burglar) shows up. Tim wants to know why Ben is so concerned about Eddie being around and why Ben went to check on Annie rather than protect her. Tim explains to her that Ben asked him to take Meg away from Sunset Beach. She leaves the Deep to go talk to Ben. Bette gets a visit from Eddie, now a civilian. He asks Bette to tell Annie he wants to be friends again, Bette tells Eddie he doesn't deserve any gratitude as he was the one who framed Annie. Eddie admits that he's made mistakes in his jealous rage for Annie's love. Annie arrives and yells at Eddie for trying to cheat her out of her half of the jewels. Ben overhears them talking and calls Ricardo about Eddie's whereabouts. Ricardo takes Eddie in for questioning and arrests him for attempted burglary. Ben comes down on Annie for bargaining with Eddie and Annie retorts, "Why don't you drag me back to your place and lock me up in the room with Maria? I'd love to be roommates with your dead wife again." Meg and Tim overhear this as they are walking towards the house, and Ben asks Annie to leave Maria out of it and leaves. He opens the door to find Meg and Tim outside. Meg asks Ben if they can talk and Ben agrees, adding, "I'm finished here" as he looks at Annie's house. Meg asks him about what he asked Tim to do and why. Ben doesn't deny any of it, and Meg told him he wasn't born unlucky and if he was his luck has changed. She leaves him as he stands looking at Maria's painting.

Recaps for the week of May 5, 1997 (Following Week)
B&B's Lesley-Anne Down shares scary kidnapping story


Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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