Passions Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on PS

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Passions Recaps: The week of May 7, 2001 on PS
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the week of May 7, 2001
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April 30, 2001
Following Week
May 14, 2001

Monday, May 7, 2001

Luis finally completed his declaration of love to Sheridan by proposing with his grandmother's ring, but Sheridan was asleep. As she slept, Sheridan had a romantic fantasy of Luis proposing to her. Hank gave Luis a boost in confidence and assured Luis that he was happy for them.

Whitney and Chad decided to turn it down a little. They discussed their feelings, the boundaries of their relationship, and their ideas about sex. Whitney worried that by making love to Ethan, Theresa was trying to get out of one mistake by making another. Whitney and Chad seemed to be connecting when Whitney hurt Chad by saying the first person she made love to wouldn't be him. She based the decision on his past relationships. However, by the end of the conversation, they became close again.

Ethan wondered why Theresa had changed her mind about waiting to have sex until their wedding. Ethan asked her to be honest about what was bothering her. He told her that no matter what, he wouldn't get mad. Theresa sidestepped the truth once again and convinced Ethan to take her to bed.

Tuesday, May 8, 2001

Theresa and Ethan were in bed together, and they began to make love. Theresa remembered Pilar forbidding her from using sex to trap Ethan, but she didn't seem to care.

The Bennetts heard a sound from Tabitha's basement, and Sam and Reese want to see what it was. Tabitha tried to stop them, but Reese was sure that Tabitha was hiding something. Sam tried to open the door, but it was locked. The key was next to Timmy, and he quickly placed it in his shirt so that no one could find it. Tabitha told the Bennetts that the noise was just a result of old pipes, but Charity thought that the noise sounded familiar, and it gave her a strange feeling.

Meanwhile, Reese discovered Tabitha's stash of shoes from people that she had "taken care of" over the years, and his suspicions were aroused once again. Tabitha said she just liked to collect old shoes, but Reese really didn't care because he had found what he had been looking for -- a crowbar to open the locked basement door. Tabitha yelled at him to stop, and he asked her what she was hiding in the basement. Everyone thought that Reese was being rude, and Grace told him to stop the accusations.

Tabitha told Reese that she would let him down in the basement if she had the key, but she was not going to allow him to ruin her home with a crowbar. Tabitha hoped that the noises from the basement would send the Bennetts packing, but they told her she was the only person with enough room to house all of the Bennetts, so they were staying -- unless Tabitha didn't want them to, for some reason. Timmy and Tabitha worried that the Bennetts might find a way to open the door to the basement, but ultimately Tabitha needed to agree to let the Bennetts stay.

Charity had a premonition about saying goodbye to Miguel as he faded away before her, and she began to worry about their future but decided not to tell him about it. Charity told Kay that she was counting on Kay to look after Miguel -- Kay was staying at the Lopez-Fitzgerald house that night -- and Kay promised that she would. Simone was shocked to realize that Kay hadn't changed -- she was still planning to steal Miguel away from Charity. Simone tried to yell at Kay, but Kay changed the subject and told Simone that she should be worrying about what Chad and Whitney were doing, not what Kay was doing. Tabitha overheard and was quite pleased with Kay -- she saw a lot of potential in the little schemer.

Timmy hoped that Kay would succeed in breaking up Miguel and Charity so that Timmy could have Charity, and he planned to put the moves on Charity while she was living at Tabitha's place. Timmy realized that Tabitha was planning something, and he soon found out what it was; Tabitha told Sam and Grace that she only had room for three guests, so one of them was going to have to stay elsewhere. Grace assured Tabitha that that was fine, since only three of them were going to stay at Tabitha's place, anyway, and Sam was confused. Grace informed him that she wanted him to stay somewhere else so that she could have some time away from him. Only Grace, Charity, and Jessica would move in with Tabitha.

Luis was preparing to ask Sheridan to marry him, but he wanted to do it right. He took her into her room for more privacy and presented her with his grandmother's ring. Sheridan recalled the dream she'd had earlier and told Luis that it had been about the man she loved proposing to her. Luis wondered if the man in her dreams had looked like him, and Sheridan assured him that the man in her dreams had resembled Luis, and that in the dream, he had proposed to her in a garden filled with flowers. Before Luis asked, though, he ran off to take care of something. Sheridan thought that she had blown it by describing her dream.

Julian and Rebecca were playing their kinky bedroom games again, but a very surprised Gwen interrupted them. She had heard about the Bennett tragedy on the news and wanted to know if Ethan was okay. Rebecca assured her that the explosion had not hurt him. Rebecca began to fantasize about her life as a Crane again, but Gwen was growing impatient. She wanted their plan to go into action as soon as possible so that Ethan would know that Theresa had lied to him. Rebecca told her to be patient and suggested that Gwen pay the two lovebirds a visit at the Lopez-Fitzgerald house and stir up some trouble.

Julian rejoined Rebecca in the bedroom, and they began to plot out their plan to break up Sheridan and Luis. Julian hoped that Sheridan would once again leave the country when she learned of the "betrayal" so that there would be no risk of Sheridan and Luis comparing notes and learning the truth. The kinky couple headed outside to play "night watchman" and "cat burglar." They ended up near the cottage, where Julian caught a glimpse of Luis and Sheridan inside. Julian and Rebecca overheard their conversation and realized that Luis was about to pop the question. When Luis ran off, Julian got an idea and decided that he could break them up right away.

As Theresa and Ethan began to make love, Gwen arrived and spied on them from outside. As she watched, Ethan pulled away -- he didn't have protection with him. He didn't have a job, and he told Theresa that the last thing that they needed right then was an unplanned pregnancy. He headed off to the store for some condoms. Theresa couldn't wait until he got back, but Gwen walked in and confronted her, ruining Theresa's mood.

Gwen antagonized Theresa, mentioning the condom run that Ethan had just gone off on. Gwen told Theresa not to get too cocky -- she was not married to Ethan yet. Theresa said that she had nothing to be worried about -- Ethan and Theresa would marry -- but Gwen said she knew that Theresa was worried that her secret would be revealed, and then she would lose Ethan.

Wednesday, May 9, 2001

Pilar caught Ivy leaving a love letter for Sam. Pilar sternly warned her friend she would be left with a broken heart if she continued to pursue Sam. Ivy became upset as Pilar predicted she would end up bitter and alone.

Theresa was stunned when Gwen accused her of keeping a secret from Ethan. She was further rattled as Gwen theorized Theresa was using sex to hold on to her fiancé. The icy debutante warned Theresa that Ethan would hate her once he found out she had been lying to him. Ethan returned and was surprised to find Gwen with Theresa. Theresa froze as it looked like Gwen would blow her right out of the water.

After Grace told Sam he couldn't stay at Tabitha's, Sam insisted he wouldn't leave his family. He begged his wife not to force a separation, but Grace was adamant. Sam reluctantly agreed to stay at the police station. Grace held back tears but remained convinced Sam needed to resolve his past with Ivy before they could move on. Charity, Jessica, and Kay feared their family was falling apart, while Tabitha took pleasure in the dissolution of the Bennetts' marriage.

Thursday, May 10, 2001

The people of Harmony were having some spectacular dreams. Whitney dreamed about making love to Chad -- but Simone walked in on them in the act, and Whitney was forced to watch as Simone's heart was torn in half. Whitney was awakened by Theresa, who called her after waking from a dream in which she made love to Ethan. Theresa invited Whitney over for breakfast.

Over at the Lopez-Fitzgerald house, Whitney was pleased to learn that Theresa had not slept with Ethan the previous night. They relayed to each other their respective dreams. Whitney told Theresa that she couldn't sleep with Chad until she was married -- she wanted to be sure that her first time was with the person she was going to spend her life with. Theresa told Whitney about Gwen's visit, and Whitney wondered if Gwen really knew what Theresa's secret was.

Just then, Theresa got a phone call -- Ivy wanted to see Theresa over at the mansion as soon as possible. Theresa panicked, thinking that Gwen had spilled the beans to Ivy. Elsewhere, Chad and Ethan worked out, and Ethan once again vowed to nail the person who had leaked his paternity information to the tabloid.

Tabitha had a nightmare about Reese and Charity catching her admitting that she was a witch. They promptly began to burn her at the stake. When she woke up, she told Timmy she didn't know how she'd be able to handle the Bennetts staying at her house. There was a knock at the door, and Tabitha answered it; it was Charity and Reese, who had muffins from the bed and breakfast. Reese was suspicious when he saw that Timmy was wearing pajamas, but Charity told Reese to drop it.

Miguel stopped by with the morning paper. The headline was about the Bennett house, but it seemed that no one believed that "evil" had really attacked the Bennett house that night. Kay told Simone about the dream she'd had the night before -- Miguel had been making love to her. Simone was skeptical, but Kay vowed to get Miguel into bed soon. Jessica phoned Sam and became upset, realizing that her parents had split. Charity assured her that they would work everything out, and Timmy was saddened by Jessica's pain.

Reese noticed a tear on Timmy's face and demanded that Tabitha admit that Timmy was alive. Tabitha covered, and Miguel told Reese to lay off and be more sensitive to the plight of the Bennetts. Kay and Simone continued their conversation, and Simone told Kay that she'd had a dream about Chad, as well -- but every time she dreamed about Chad, Whitney was in the dream, as well. She wondered if there was something going on between them.

Miguel and Charity spoke "privately" -- but Tabitha and Timmy were listening in -- and Miguel said he had some things about marriage to discuss with Charity. Tabitha was worried -- if Miguel married Charity, they'd make love, and then Tabitha and Timmy would be destroyed. Miguel told Charity he had been wondering if age mattered in regards to marriage -- Luis and Sheridan were older and were getting married, but Theresa and Ethan were getting married, as well, and they were not much older than Miguel and Charity.

Charity agreed -- she sometimes thought that Charity and Miguel were much more mature than Theresa and Ethan. Miguel asked her what she would think about Theresa's fantasy "double" wedding changing to a "triple" wedding. Tabitha told Timmy she couldn't allow the conversation to continue -- they had to stop the lovebirds from making love, at any cost.

Sheridan was dreaming about Luis proposing to her in a garden full of flowers. She woke to find that Luis had made her breakfast in bed. They made love, and Luis asked Sheridan to tell him what she had been dreaming about earlier. She did, and Luis vowed to make that dream happen -- and even promised to throw in a little surprise with it. Sheridan said he didn't have to try to make it perfect -- it would be, no matter what he did. She said he could ask her right away, and it would still be perfect, but Luis refused -- he wanted it to be just as she had dreamed it would be.

Sheridan put on Luis' shirt, and his grandmother's ring fell out of the pocket. Luis was upset that his surprise had been ruined, but Sheridan assured him that she loved the ring. Still, Luis wasn't ready to propose yet -- he wanted the proposal to be perfect. Sheridan tried to persuade him to go ahead and propose, since it wasn't a secret anymore that he wanted to, but he refused.

Friday, May 11, 2001

Ethan vowed revenge on whoever had leaked his paternity to the tabloid. Ethan was incensed when he spotted the tabloid reporter at the gym. Chad held Ethan back from approaching the reporter and told Ethan he had a plan.

Grace worried she'd lose Sam. Meanwhile, Ivy looked forward to spending time with her first love. Sheridan couldn't shake the feeling something would get between her and Luis. She asked Luis to propose to her right away. A confidant Luis declared their love could overcome any obstacle, but Sheridan remained anxious. Luis insisted he wanted everything to be perfect when he proposed. Hank dropped by to help Luis with his plans.

Julian and the Luis imposter worked out the details of Julian's plan to break up Luis and Sheridan. Julian questioned Rebecca's enthusiasm to play the "other woman" opposite the hunky imposter. Rebecca tried to cover her lust for the young man.

A nervous Theresa arrived at the mansion after being summoned by Ivy. She feared Gwen really did know her secret and had told Theresa's future mother-in-law. Theresa was relieved when she learned Ivy had called her over to meet with a dressmaker. Ivy explained the dressmaker would rework her old wedding dress into any style Theresa wanted. Theresa was convinced Gwen was bluffing about knowing her secret.

Pilar and Whitney warned Theresa to tell Ethan the truth right away. Gwen promised Rebecca she wouldn't expose Theresa until the wedding, but a vengeful Gwen remained a loose cannon.

Recaps for the week of May 14, 2001 (Following Week)


Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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