Gabi and Stefan share a steamy reunion

Days of our Lives Recap for Monday, July 1, 2024
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Monday, July 1, 2024

At the Brady Pub, Eric and Holly warmly greeted each other. Eric believed things at the DiMera mansion had to be chaotic with Jude around. Holly expressed happiness to have her brother back but also expressed sorrow for Eric's loss of Jude. Eric said it helped knowing that Tate was with his "amazing big sister." Holly complained that her mother did not see her as amazing but as a disappointment. Eric assured Holly that Nicole was proud of Holly's intelligence and kindness.

Holly protested about Theresa's treatment of her and moaned how she'd only had one day of freedom during the past several months. Eric wished there was something he could do, which prompted Holly to ask Eric if he would speak with Nicole on her behalf. Eric said he couldn't honor Holly's request because he would be leaving town. Holly tried to talk him out of leaving and stated how much she would miss him.

Holly reminded Eric that he knew what it had been like to want to be with someone that was out of reach. Eric reiterated that it was not his place to interfere in Nicole's parenting. Holly confided how she had often wished her mother had stayed with Eric. Holly felt E.J. didn't like her or respect her. Eric assured Holly that E.J. loved her, and both E.J. and Nicole only wanted what was best for Holly.

Eric apologized for not being able to help Holly with her predicament. Holly said she understood. Eric and Holly confirmed they would always be there for each other. After Holly left, Eric received a message from someone offering him a photography job in Paris.

At Marlena and John's place, Brady called Kristen and asked her if he could take Rachel to a fireworks show. Kristen snarked about Brady not having a date, and Brady questioned if Kristen would have time for Rachel with Kristen's new job at DiMera. Kristen snapped that she would always make time for her daughter. She agreed to let Brady pick up Rachel, and both agreed that their kids meant everything to them.

Tate eavesdropped on Brady's phone conversation. When Brady hung up, Tate asked his father to prove he had meant what he had said about his children by letting Tate see Holly. Brady remained steadfast in his refusal. Father and son argued about Tate's actions at prom, and a frustrated Tate again insisted nothing had happened. He asked if his parents intended on "stalking" him for the rest of his life, and he claimed that the more they tried to keep Holly and him apart, the more the teens would want to be together.

Tate argued that he had been taking more responsibility and had applied for a job at a country club. Brady wondered if it was the same club to which the DiMeras had a membership. Tate admitted he might see Holly at the club, but she was not his reason for wanting the job. Brady suggested the family all take a step back and give each other time. While he agreed that Theresa had overreacted, he still backed her up when it came to Holly and Tate.

Brady shot down the idea of the summer job. When Tate asked what he would do all summer, Brady held up a brochure. Tate looked at the pamphlet, and he balked at Brady's idea to send him to a lacrosse camp for the summer. Brady contended that the time away would give Theresa a chance to cool off, and he urged his son to think about it. Tate said he had thought about it, and he crumpled up the brochure and threw it on the floor.

After Tate affirmed that he wouldn't be going to the camp, Brady informed him that Tate did not have a choice in the matter. Tate called Brady worse than his mom, because at least with his mom, Tate knew what to expect. Tate eventually calmed down slightly, and Brady compelled his son to look at the camp as a good thing.

When Brady left the room, Tate called Holly and asked her how she was doing. Both agreed they were miserable. Tate asked Holly what she thought about running away with him.

In the prison visiting room, Stefan and Gabi basked in her freedom by sharing passionate kisses. Stefan promised to take Gabi anywhere she wanted, whether it be Paris or Buddy's Burger Barn. Gabi replied that she wanted to go home more than anything.

At the Bistro, Ava joined Kristen for dinner. Kristen told Ava she was sorry for how Harris had left town to hunt Kristen's "erstwhile sister." Ava believed Harris had other reasons for leaving her, like her tryst with Stefan.

Kristen prodded Ava to stop regretting what had happened in the past. She attributed Ava's indiscretion with Stefan to Ava's past relationship with his twin brother, Jake. Ava admitted Stefan's resemblance to Jake might have played a part in the attraction, but she insisted no one else could find out about the affair, especially Gabi. Kristen reassured Ava that the secret was safe with her. The women toasted to Kristen's new position at DiMera.

When Ava mentioned returning to the pub for work, Kristen made a snide remark about Ava "slinging hash for Roman Brady." She suggested Ava work for her. Kristen made the case that she needed an ally who she trusted at DiMera. Plus, making E.J. angry would be an added benefit. After the pitch, Ava smiled and announced that Kristen had made an offer that Ava could not refuse. Later, Ava called Roman, thanked him for helping her, and told him she had accepted a new job.

Melinda arrived at the DiMera mansion to gloat to E.J about her immunity deal. She smugly declared that E.J. could do nothing to her when she told Nicole the truth about Jude. Melinda let E.J. know she wanted revenge for being ousted from her job. As Melinda threatened E.J., Nicole entered the room and asked what was going on. Before Melinda could respond, E.J. claimed Melinda had wanted to thank him.

Melinda gleefully informed Nicole that E.J. had granted her immunity from prosecution. An outraged Nicole shouted at Melinda about what Melinda had done to her, and E.J. had to hold his wife back. When Nicole brought up Eric's name, Melinda mused that she might be able to help Eric. Gabi and Stefan's arrival interrupted Melinda mid-confessional. E.J. hurried over to the couple and attempted to hug Gabi, but she quickly put her hand up to block him.

E.J. gushed over Gabi's freedom and pronounced that the family would celebrate with a bottle of Champagne. Melinda said she would stay, but E.J. declared it a family gathering and rushed a protesting Melinda out the door. Nicole announced that she had been ready to strangle "that duplicitous shrew," and Gabi cracked that it was "good to be home." While Stefan and Gabi shared Champagne, Nicole approached and said she hoped that she and Gabi could put the past behind them. Both women congratulated each other on their recent good fortunes.

Stefan and Gabi excused themselves to take a "hot shower" together. Upstairs, Stefan joined Gabi in the shower, and the couple fully indulged in their alone time. Between kisses, Gabi confessed that she wanted one more thing from Stefan. "Shave that damn mustache," she insisted. Stefan teased her about it then grabbed a razor. Later, Gabi and a clean-shaven Stefan took their reunion to the bedroom.

After making love with Stefan, Gabi called Ari and promised the girl she would visit the next day. Gabi sighed happily when she ended the call and snuggled with Stefan. She proclaimed how much she had missed being in his arms and commended Stefan for resisting the temptation of other women. "You are the only woman for me," Stefan professed. Gabi lay against his shoulder, while a guilty Stefan was consumed with thoughts of his affair with Ava.

Outside the mansion, E.J. pleaded with Melinda. He offered her a job, which she expressed doubt he could deliver on. Melinda threatened to go back inside and tell Nicole the truth. E.J. reminded Melinda that if she told the truth, she would be outing herself as a baby-napper. He raised the prospect of Melinda working as counsel for DiMera Enterprises. Melinda initially refused to entertain the idea because she would be working for Kristen, whom she hated because of Kristen's role in Hayley's death.

Melinda said that even if she could work with Kristen, Belle already had the job E.J. had offered. E.J. informed Melinda that Belle was on a leave of absence, and he assured Melinda he could talk to Kristen and secure Melinda the job. Before they could finish their bargaining, Nicole came outside and demanded to know why Melinda was still there. E.J. dismissed his and Melinda's talk as D.A. business. Nicole remained frosty toward Melinda as Melinda departed.

Following Melinda's departure, Nicole raged about E.J. letting Melinda get off free for what she had done to them. E.J. claimed his actions had been a result of a sense of family loyalty to Stefan. He reminded Nicole that freeing Melinda had also allowed him to free Gabi. Nicole reluctantly backed off but still simmered with anger. Nicole flashed back to Eric's declaration that he was leaving Salem.

Later, Kristen coolly greeted E.J., who had returned inside the mansion. E.J. bantered with his sister then stated that he wanted to talk with her about a job proposition.

On the next Days of our Lives...


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